The Winners Code

Becoming extraordinary

They realise that they could have more or could be more or ought by now to be operating at a much higher pedestal. To be fair, most people are not living pathetic lives in abject conditions but they are also far behind in the race of life.

They need to make a bold leap; leap from the ordinary to the world of the extraordinary. The one big question they ought to be asking themselves is “What should I be doing to become an extraordinary achiever?” That is the question we will be addressing in this issue.

So what is the difference between an ordinary life that you are currently living and an extraordinary life that you could live if you choose to? The answer lies in the spelling of the word extraordinary. Extraordinary is a portmanteau made up of the words extra and ordinary. There can never be extraordinary without the word “extra.” It is this little word that makes all the difference. The word “extra” speaks of something additional; over and above the usual.

The usual is what everyone expects and gets and leads to the ordinary. The extra is what differentiates. The degree to which you will lead the extraordinary will be determined by how much extra you add to the usual. Often being extraordinary does not consist of doing different things from what others are doing, but of doing the same things differently. The difference is in the extra. What is this extra that you should be looking to add to your daily routine? Several authors have identified a number of important “extras’. Below is a synthesis of them.


 A little extra effort.

The difference between getting to the top of the mountain and failing to reach the peak is one extra step or a little extra effort. As mountain climbers will tell you; the person at the top was not born there and did not fall there. He got there, and to get there he had to climb one mile after another. At some point during this climb he was almost there but not yet there. What he needed was to walk the extra mile. The little extra mile signifies a little extra effort. There is no agenda in this world, except resuscitating the dead, that cannot benefit from a little extra input of effort. A little extra effort carries with it a little extra risk but only those who dare to take risks and courageously take initiative can reach extraordinary heights. So what is stopping you from making that little extra effort? More often than not, the answer is the unnecessary baggage that you have allowed yourself to carry.

Mountain climbers who wish to scale the highest peaks must travel light. They have to set aside the nonessentials. Toxic attitudes, hatred, sluggishness, discouragement, enervating habits, fear and too many non value adding activities are just a few of the many unnecessary baggage that prevents us from engaging in the little extra effort. Throw them away, and travel your journey of life lighter.


A little extra time.

Since the coffee machine was invented we live in a world of instants. People now want everything instantly. Unfortunately, greatness and extraordinary lives require a little extra time. Studies have shown that 10 years of correct and focused application is what it takes to become truly great at a skill. This is what is now called the 10 year rule. To be a great sportsman who is world class you need to put in an equivalent of 10,000 hours of practice, the right kind of practice. There is no shortcut to the top. To become extraordinary at what you do, you will need to put in that extra time daily.  When everyone has retired to sleep, stay awake a little extra time to work on your agenda-be it your career, business or even relationship. They all require that little extra time from you every day. If you aspire to accomplish something great, then be prepared to devote great amounts of time to it. We will live in a busy world, and there never seems to be enough time for anything. However, to make the leap from the ordinary to the extraordinary you need to clear your daily dairy and make space for a little time to think and plan. You are and you become what you think. As a man thinks, so is he. Your mind is like a bank; it will give you returns in proportion to the deposits you make.  However, unlike the bank which can extend an overdraft facility to you, your mind has no such favours to make. Set aside time everyday to develop your mind because from it will come the ideas that will change your world. Think through your long term goals and your daily plan every day.


A little extra help.

A man can never singlehandedly surround a mountain. The thumb cannot on its own accomplish much. Life is not a solo flight. We all can do with a little extra help. The prolific striker who scores many goals in football needs someone to assist him with the passes. We need to be humble enough to realise that we need a little extra help from others. It may be a few extra lessons, or a few extra dollars, or a few extra pieces of advice.  There is something extra we need from others. Accept that reality and seek the help. For some people the little extra help needed is professional counselling. Nobody does anything worthwhile alone. Asking for help, when done properly isn’t a sign of weakness but of respect.