
Opposition MPs walk out after defeat of media motion


The motion by Kanye North MP, Kentse Rammidi of the Botswana Congress Party (BCP) wanted the state media to be even- handed in covering all parties participating in general elections later this year. Initially, Deputy Speaker, Pono Moatlhodi ruled that the motion had been passed in the voice vote.

When the call for division came, opposition MP Lobatse Nehemiah Modubule said it was unprocedural as all those who had debated the motion had supported it.  The mover of the motion, Rammidi, had argued that government’s excessive control of state media thwarts the democratic process of a fair election.

He said that state media coverage of political party campaigns and activities leaves a lot to be desired and defeats the aspirations of an open and democratic society, as articulated in the country’s Vision 2016 ideals.

“There is undue advantage given to the ruling party provided for by the slanted media coverage that gives the ruling party extended coverage as compared to other competitors in the election campaigns,” he said. Rammidi submitted that the most powerful way parties can convey their party visions, policies and candidates to the public is through the media. Therefore, any party that selfishly dominates the state media has an undue advantage that puts it far ahead of its competitors.

Rammidi acknowledged that state media - The Daily News, Radio Botswana 1 and 2 and Botswana Television (Btv) - are more accessible and enjoy wider circulation and audience than private media. He said he has no problem with President Ian Khama and Vice-President Ponatshego Kedikilwe getting more coverage as long as they are on official duty.

“But I will quarrel bitterly with any suggestion that says Khama as president of the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) and PHK Kedikilwe, chairman of the ruling party should be treated differently by the state media from Dumelang Saleshando, president of the Botswana Congress Party (BCP) and Motsei Rapelana, chairperson of the BCP and Duma Boko, president of the Umbrella for Democratic Change and Nehemiah Modubule, chairman of the UDC when carrying out their party activities and campaigns,” he said.

He urged Parliament to protect the sanctity of democracy and commit to the fairness and justice enshrined in the constitution by resolving that state media should give equitable and fair coverage. Rammidi’s motion comes amidst ongoing concerns about the move to turn state media into public media. Last year, Parliament passed into law the Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA), which provides for the regulation of private broadcasters and not state broadcasters.