Five Roses Rewards Women Again


The competition for this year was announced at a colourful ceremony held at Botswana Television (Btv) premises. The grand finale will be preceded by a nomination stage. 

Members of the public can to pick nomination forms from the Daily News, shops around the country, as well as online, according to the coordinators of the event, OP Advertising.

The nominations started on June 11 and will continue until August 30, after which short listing of nominees to top two per category will start.

Dubbed Five Roses Thari Ya Sechaba, the NBL initiative, which is in its third year, pays tribute to women who have contributed meaningfully to their communities.  This year's awards to be held in November, will see a whopping P140, 000 paid out in cash prizes.

The Youth Achiever category is the highest paying, with the eventual winner walking away with P30, 000 plus unspecified amount as education fund. The overall winner will get P30, 000.

Other award categories for 2009 are the Educator, Health Practitioner, Social Welfare Worker, Arts & culture, and Trendsetter. In each of the categories, the winners get P10, 000, and the runners-up P5,000.

The coordinators of the awards have vowed to use the Five Roses Thari Ya Sechaba award to expand the Five Roses brand awareness, as well as increasing consumer participation.

Consumers also stand a chance to win a grand prize of P30, 000, as well as runner-up prizes of TVs, DVD players and cell phones.

Previous winners of the awards include cultural icons, the late Mphoreng Malema of Molaladau and  Judith Sefhako  both of whom featured in the inaugural awards in 2007.

Once again Btv, RB2, and Daily News are rallying behind the Five Roses. Newly appointed Btv general manager Raymond Tsheko  says  he views the awards as a golden opportunity to improve their programming menu.