
A book to spark your marriage


What He Wants addresses issues of sex and sexuality and Mawarire believes it would add the spark that is missing in many marriages.   He said that married women will get an opportunity to understand how their husbands’ minds work and some of the things that men struggle to speak about in their relationships.

While many Christians find it taboo to speak openly about sex, the Harare pastor is notorious for speaking openly about it during services and bridal showers.

Mawarire hopes the book, published early this year, would bridge the ‘communication gap’ tends to crop up when couples seem unsure of what the other person wants.

The pastor believes who have the book would get to understand the things most men find difficult to discuss in a relationship. The launch of the book in Botswana is organised by Main Event Group.

Project manager Maduo Nthomang has told Showbiz that a lot of people have shown interest in attending the launch.  At the launch Mawarire is expected to not only talk about the book but to also do some motivational speaking.

'It is so interesting how he tackles the issue of sex in marriage.  It would even be more interesting to hear him talking about it live,' Nthomang said.