On The Flipside

An open letter to gays and their friends, Please take a chill pill...

In the above-mentioned article I linked the rise in homosexuality to the erosion of the traditional familial structure and certain cases of hidden misogyny, before touching on other social problems which include absent fathers and alcoholism among others. I was labeled a homophobe, racist and bigot. It’s OK. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. At least I didn’t make drastic ‘Kill gays’ statements or like the Ugandan president’s claim that homosexuality is Satanic and will give you worms.

Yesterday I was tagged by a stranger in a Facebook post. I followed the thread and was led to a barrage of tjatjarag comments like: ‘Keletso Thobega should sit down’ and wild accusations of me being a man-hating feminist. I saw an attached link and realized that someone had taken effort to write a response to my article.

The tirade is titled Media sensationalism: Social Justice’s Hollow Promise (I don’t understand why the author wrote ‘media’ when referring to a single article) It is a well-written albeit long article which reads like a thesis. The author includes quotes and references which makes it more interesting. Unlike me, he/she doesn’t face the challenge of having to jam thoughts into a limited word count. He/she took some points out of context but agrees with others.

The author also assumed I was generalizing. I’m not the best writer but pay attention to reference. For one, ‘some’ doesn’t mean ‘all’. One doesn’t need to be an English professor to know that. Funnily enough, some readers believe I crucify men but I have also been accused of bashing women. Beats me!

Anyways, the article took an emotive twist when the writer suggested that folk who question homosexuality should be ostracized from society. Ha! As a heterosexual woman who procreates and rears offspring, I wonder if any gay would volunteer to breastfeed my babies or change their nappies when I’m driven out.

There’s one other part in the article that claims I “abuse privileges of the state by implementing doctrines of individualism”. I have often mentioned that in my capacity as a blogger I’m not always objective. This is not a news report but a blog. It would be problematic and bland to ignore certain issues and stick to common commentary out of fear. In such a case, we might as well consider having an opinion illegal.

I respect the intellectual capacity of Mmegi blog readers; they can formulate their own personal opinions. To assume I have the sole power to influence mass perception is to give me more credit than is due. I was further accused of being sensationalist and scribing “combi talk”. I write on topical issues in our social landscape. I’m not an intellectual snob and therefore find nothing wrong with “combi talk”. Combis transport normal people of varied economic status and intellectual capacity, not aliens.

 I also wasn’t aware that by virtue of proclaiming to be a progressive thinker, feminist and humanist, I had to endorse homosexuality. Perhaps I would have been a hero and not bedeviled as a right-wing propagandist if I had praised homosexuality.

 Homosexual values, beliefs and customs should not be besieged. Homosexuals are a minority group in our country and are not recognized by the law. As much as they want urgent recognition, they must consider the fact that members of society are still getting used to the exhibitionism observed in our social landscape. What with the sudden emergence of odd behaving men and women claiming to be ‘gay’.

Most people aren’t unsettled by homosexuality per say but the attention seeking stunts and the way anyone who frowns upon it is perceived evil. Considering that most participants of the gay rights trend here are youth, it’s expected that some people will dismiss it as a phase.

Gagging homosexuality down our throats is likely to end the harmonious existence between heterosexuals and homosexuals. Most notably, if homosexuals want to be recognized why must they be exempt from scrutiny? Being open-minded applies both ways. It would make more sense to educate the public on what homosexuality is about instead of being defensive and sulking. Although I don’t support the cause, I wish homosexuals here the best in their endeavours to be legally recognized.