
710 Artists And Beneficiaries Get Royalties


COSBOTS, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Thato Mokobi said that 710 members have registered with the society since its inception, which had enabled them to enjoy a piece of cake as the royalties were awarded to COSBOTS members only. According to Mokobi, the society collected P7,9 million from June 2012 till December 2013 (one and half year).

He said that COSBOTS got 30 percent of the royalties for administrative use.

Officiating at the launch, the Minister of Trade and Industry Dorcas Makgato Malesu further revealed that out of P7,9 million over P1,9 Million was distributed to the members where the remaining sum of over P3million has been set aside for the subsequent distribution planned for July this year. She said that the rest of the money collected is distributed according to the use of the works, to registered members and to foreign societies whose members’ works are consumed in Botswana and who has reciprocal agreements with COSBOTS.

He pointed out that they collect the royalties from three  sources, namely,  radio stations and music festivals. They also collect from the bars and night clubs. clothing shops and supermarkets and restaurants are also expected to pay royalties as they use music to attract customers into their shops.

He said that even though COSBOTS is now focused on music they hope that by the end of this year they will also collect royalties for Reprography CMO which deals with collective arts such as literary works, drama, fine arts, photography, paintings, sculptures, weaving and many more arts.

He said that he hopes that after successfully dealing with Reprography CMO they will then focus on Audiovisual works such as music videos, drama, films and related work.