
Motene Forgives Bissau But Refuses To Drop Charges


Although she said she has forgiven Gaobakwe for the alleged assault last year in Gaborone, she said the case must go on. Motene was allegedly punched by Gaobakwe at a function at the Absolute Bar at the Masa Centre Rooftop during her courtesy visit to attend local poet Berry Heart's CD launch late last year. She has admitted that the punch was not intended for her. The former Generations star was in Botswana on January 10 to finalise with police criminal proceedings and hopefully meet Gaobakwe. 

'In the second week of this year, I made contact with the women's groups who assisted me in Botswana, a legal team in Botswana and the detective in charge of my case. We made arrangements that I would return to Botswana to finalise a few things and sit down with Bissau himself. 'On my arrival, we finalised my statement and I was informed that Bissau was in fact in SA and had car problems, he had sent his henchman to come and say that he would return in approximately two hours. 'I held onto my anger. If he were really sincere about apologising and dealing with this, he would have handled everything differently.

'After the police, I went to the embassy to thank them for their support and rectify a few things that had been said by Bissau and the media. That evening, I also made the decision to revisit the place where the incident took place, to get closure on that,' posted Motene on her blog on Friday morning. She said her New Year resolution is to forgive Gaobakwe. 'My New Year's resolution is that I forgive Bissau for my own sanity and healing and to pursue with the case, as forgiving does not mean that he should not suffer the consequences.

' In her blog, Motene said that she was notified that Bissau had requested to meet her in South Africa. Her final word to Bissau was that: 'I rise because I am a proud woman. I rise because, you may have broken my nose but you will NEVER break my soul and spirit'.