
Rape and defilement on the rise

Officer Commanding Senior Superintendent Takongwa Mazwiduma stated that of late at least two defilement cases are reported everyday.

“We are seriously concerned about people indulging in sexual activities with young children that are protected by the law,” he said, wondering why parents are abdicating their guidance roles. The area recorded 36 such cases involving teenagers under the age of 16. He said majority of perpetrators, whose age range from 20 to 59, have been convicted. He, however, expressed concern that parents withdraw cases from the court.

“We also see a trend where under-aged children of between 10 and 12, raping each other. It is assumed that males aged 12 years are incapable of having sexual intercourse but it happens. We cannot take them to court because they cannot face trial. This is a dilemma we are facing,” he said, adding that these are gender and legal issues that need to be looked into.

Mazwiduma said that the hardest hit area is Botshabelo because it is a densely populated area. Selebi-Phikwe has also experienced a spate of gang rapes. He added that culprits in all the reported cases have been arrested and that since, they have not received reports of gang rapes.