
'Uniformed' cops allegedly rob woman

The robbery took place at the woman’s home where three of them were reportedly dressed in police uniforms. 

Kutlwano Police Station Commander, Superintendent Motsholathebe Mothibi confirmed to Mmegi on Monday that they were investigating a case where the men robbed the woman of up to P7,800.

“It is true we received a report from a certain woman on Sunday night saying she was robbed of money by five men.

“She said three of them were wearing clothing similar to police uniforms while the other two wore casual clothing,” he said, adding that they were still at the initial stages of their investigations. Mothibi cautioned the general public to be vigilant as it is that time of the year where everyone wishes to have money.

“Festive season is a dangerous time as everyone wants money. Even those who do not have a paying job also wish to have money.

“Hence they will do anything to obtain the money,” he said.

He said that it was a strange incident that left him wondering where the assailants could have obtained the police uniforms.

At the bus rank where she works as a street vendor, the woman was so distraught that a fellow vendor and close friend spoke on her behalf, though pleading anonymity. 

She explained that her friend phoned her at around midnight telling her about the incident.

“She told me that she was deep in sleep when she was woken up by a knock on the door, which she ignored several times until a man’s voice said ‘open up we are the police’.

“She stood up to open the window and saw three police officers. That is when she opened the door,” she said.

She said three of the men were in police uniform and two were in civilian clothing.

“They ransacked her bedroom, turning the bed upside down.

“She said that one of the men opened her handbag and took out her wallet saying they were going with it to the police station.

“When she asked if she should go with them they readily agreed.

“She went back inside the house to remove her pyjamas and when she returned the men were nowhere to be found.

She screamed for help but it was of no use because she was alone in the house. Then she went to report the matter to the police,” said the victim’s friend.