BSA contemplate restructuring


He said they have learnt vital lessons in their failure to get sponsorships and that such lessons will help them as they map a way forward. He said the lack of sponsorship has adversely affected every aspect of the game, hence it is imperative to explore all available alternatives.

The BSA league last had a sponsor in 2004 when it was sponsored by Shell Oil Botswana. 'We will find a way of making our game more attractive because everybody wants to be associated with good things,' Morule told Mmegi Sport yesterday. One of the possible things that the restructuring may involve is to have two leagues. Morule said they would look into dividing the teams since their level of play is different. He observed that it is important that evenly matched teams play among themselves. Even though it is already difficult to get a sponsor for one league, Morule does not believe having two divisions would put more burden on them. 'We will find a cost-effective measure of running the two leagues,' he said. The softball boss also believes it will be easier to get sponsorship for fewer teams in different divisions unlike now where teams are crowded in the same division. The association will hold a meeting of its affiliates at the end of the month where the envisaged changes are likely to be ratified.

The association is currently amending its constitution, which should be completed before the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in April. Morule said they are working on revamping the National Diamond ground, which is a poor state of disrepair. Morule said though they have failed in the past years to get a sponsor for the league they are still hopeful that their prayers will be answered some day. He said to some people it might look as though that the association has failed. 'Be your own judge and tell me if we have failed softball in Botswana. Of course, we may have failed to get a sponsor up to this point but have we not failed to run the sport, I think we have done well under the circumstances,' he said.

The softball chief said it is always easy for people outside to point an accusing finger because they do not understand what is happening. He explained that convincing a sponsor takes 'a lot of effort and energy'. He also said they were at some stage very close to getting sponsors but things changed at the last minute.

'Things are getting tougher everyday as the cost of living rises,' he said. Morule said the major lesson that they have learnt in the past years is that one-year term for the executive committee is too short to plan and implement projects.  Increasing office bearers' terms is one of the changes that would be enshrined in the amended constitution.