Kwelagobe brings Se-Puma to Moleps


Kwelagobe, who is now retired, says he hopes that the trip would change the mindset of the youth in his home village who are unemployed despite many opportunities at their disposal.

He says that some youth have just given up because they are unemployed; hence they are unable to identify other opportunities through which they can improve their lives.

He says he met Se-Puma through a relative and he shared with him the hard route he endured before becoming a reputed actor. He says the actor, who is from the 'apartheid youth generation story', is an inspirational character from whom many youth have much to learn. Driven by passion to help youth, Kwelagobe says he has held several workshops with youth to try to encourage them to utilise every opportunity, either as individuals or groups, to do something to improve their lives. 

He says Se-Puma will stay in Molepolole for three days starting yesterday until Saturday when he will return home. On Saturday morning he will make a presentation at  Mafenyatlala Mall and youth will be allowed to ask questions.

'The main objective of the presentation is to inculcate in Botswana youth the spirit of life long learning and there will be interaction between Se-Phuma and the youth before he returns in the afternoon.

According to the 2001 population and housing census, Molepolole has a population of over 50, 000 with majority being youth aged between 15 and 45.

There is a teacher training college, senior secondary school, prison, hospital and at least seven junior secondary schools amongst other government institutions.