BDF 'donates' flatbed lorry to banking week

The BDF truck was used in the proceedings. There was a demonstration that culminated at the main mall where various banks held exhibitions. The BDF truck was part of the motorcade. 

The army truck was draped with posters promoting the banking week and advertising the different commercial banks participating. Except for a police patrol car, the BDF truck was the only government vehicle in the motorcade. 

The Director of the Botswana Institute of Bankers, Brenda Llyod, said the BDF had 'donated' the truck for the banking week event. This was also confirmed by the army spokesman, Major Bernard Ragalase, who said the BDF's assistance is not limited to the government.

'We also have a corporate social responsibility outreach programme through which we assist communities or individuals,' Ragalase said in a written response. He said as long as it is for a good cause, BDF assistance is justifiable.

Mmegi asked whether BDF takes responsibility in case civilians on board an army truck are injured in a mishap. Ragalase said all safety precautions are emphasised whenever BDF equipment is loaned out. 

However, he said, non-military personnel boarding an BDF vehicle or aircraft are requested to sign an indemnity form, though he could not say whether the bank employees had signed such a form on Saturday.

Some of the bank employees 'staff rode' the army vehicle.