Tex, Chilly beef continues

Just a month ago the two former business associates were making headlines for all the wrong reasons. Segona was accusing Ramogobya of threatening his life while the latter said he only kicked him out of his house in Phakalane because he could no longer bear living under the same roof with him and denied ever pointing a gun at him.

Their latest spat was at Mopipi bar in Tlokweng where Segona had organised a show featuring Vomit, Matsosangwao as well as Mercy. Segona claimed that Ramogobya showed up at the venue and tried to force the DJ to play Deben Natale's latest CD between breaks.

'When I tried to stop him he threatened to beat me up. He then disappeared only to resurface with some of his friends and they insisted that we play their CD and I again I stood up and we ended up wrestling at the mixing table,' Segona said.Segona claimed that he then closed himself inside the car after realising that the whole thing was about to blow out of control and that Ramogobya and his 'cronies' started banging on the windows.

'I then called police on 999, but after some time Tex and his guys left and by the time the Tlokweng police responded they had gone. But it was clear the guys had come just to disrupt my show. Maybe if they had approached me nicely with respect I could have considered playing their CD. Then again, I was puzzled because as I understand it, he and I are enemies, and how on earth was I going to help them promote their material in my show. It is like George Bush sponsoring Bin Laden,' Segona said.

Ramogobya denied ever harassing Segona on Sunday night, saying he only went there to 'chill out' with his friends. However, he then said what happened 'is what normally happens at shows and it is only that he likes rushing to the media. You guys should stop listening to this fellow. I have a case with him and I do not want to come anywhere near him. I only saw him at Mopipi and I did not even 'say hello' to him,' he said.

Ramogobya charged that Segona was out to destroy his reputation, accusing him of always making up stories to get the media's sympathy.'He is back with his tricks again. I thought that week when he claimed I wanted to kill him, rushing to every newsroom with his story, he would be satisfied. I cannot instruct a DJ to play any music, he is the one who chooses what he wants to play,' Ramogobya said.

However, one of the artists who were at the function confirmed that the two promoters nearly came to blows. Tirelo Dipheko, popularly known as DJ T4ng, told Showbiz that he witnessed the nasty incident when Ramogobya and a group of friends tried to force the Dj to play their music.

'I thought the issue between these guys was over, but what happened left me speechless. You could see that Tex had wanted to get a reaction from Chilly because if not so he could have asked for permission from him.

I was there to help Vomit select the songs he would be playing and another person was at the machine. Chilly had to come and stop him (Ramogobya) from putting Deben's latest CD,' Dipheko said.