Julius Malema is not a good example to Batswana youth

It was very disturbing to see our ruling party inviting the irresponsible and immature ANCYL leader Julius Malema, who compares killing in politics to killing in a football. Little does he know killing in football match is used figurativey. Malema must know that killing in politics means killing where we witnessed deaths in DRC, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Lesotho, Kenya and even apatheid-era South Africa.

Botswana Democratic Party is slowly shifting away from democratic principles as we have seen recent developments of militarising civilian institutions like Prisons, MP Moatlhodi had to be recalled for expressing his views, beer levy without public input, more police officers idling in our roads and not fighting the real crime. So ANCYL Julius Malema and the BDP central committees are nothing but sycophants-malope- whose agendas are unknown and very sly. Do not be surprised to hear an invitation of Robert Mugabe.

Botswana Youth in general does not support this Julius Malema nor the position of ANC towards his irresponsible behaviour. Malema cannot preach anything to us Batswana youth who are educated and morally upright to distinguish right from wrong. BDP just like any other party that thinks it fought for the country like ZANU-PF or ANC from colonial masters, is not suprising to be joining hands with parties that applaud violence like the new ANC or ZANU-PF. How can you kill for Zuma and who are you killing? If Zuma has a court case let him face the law. Was the white man right when he said that 'blacks cannot govern themselves''?

Batswana Youth, please whatever Julius Malema said in Botswana, do not take it seriously- he is a puppet who is busy building killing machines in South Africa for Jacob Zuma. I would like to tell Batswana Youth that this killing for Zuma is nothing but a blackman killing another black man in the name of power. BDP is a disgrace to our democracy and morality to invite such a diabolic ANCYL leader who does not appreciate differences of opinions.
