Barbarians are at the gate!

But we want to say it again today: the Barbarians are at the gate!The Central Committee of the Botswana Democratic Party this week recalled the Member of Parliament for Tonota South, Pono Moatlhodi, as the party's parliamentary candidate in the next general elections. Every political party has the right to go about its internal matters, including issues of discipline, as it sees fit. But when a party goes about doing that, it should ensure that its actions are consistent with the principle of natural justice and that it does not offend against the constitution of the land.

In the case of the BDP, we expect the party to take the lead in making sure that its actions are consistent with the constitution and its inherent values that this nation cherishes. It is a sad day when the BDP becomes the enemy of the very principles and ideals it should defend.

In the case of Moatlhodi's recall, the BDP Central Committee comes across as a bunch of vindictive and fault finding grousers. Without affording Moatlhodi the opportunity to be heard, it accused him, prosecuted him, and proceeded to recall him. This does not only offend against natural justice, it also suggests ill-motive on the part of Domkrag. For all we know, Moatlhodi could be guilty as charged, but how does the BDP - or anyone - conclude that without affording the man a chance to defend himself? The BDP Central Committee has arrogated unto itself powers that belong only to the infallible.

What is more appalling about the Moatlhodi saga is that despite all his other padded charges, it is plainly obvious that Moatlhodi has been recalled merely for having said the civil service was being militarised. By this action, the BDP Central Committee is telling us that under its thumb, Parliament is not supreme. In bold terms, the BDP is action is telling us that its parliamentarians cannot freely debate issues as they see them, but should be as zombies on a tight leash held by the master(s) at Tsholetsa.

For expressing an opinion on the state of our civilian institutions, Moatlhodi has been silenced. Of course, the message being received by other MPs is loud and clear: Put up or shut up! The result will be sedated debate in Parliament, thanks to the Eminent Disciplinarians in Lieutenant General Ian Khama and Lieutenant General Mompati Merafhe. From now on, we will not say anything when the Khama administration appoints soldiers and ex-soldiers to key positions in the civil service over the heads of deserving career civil servants.

Yes, Sir!

                                               Today's Thought

The ability to express one's conscience is a fundamental human right. The pastor (politician) cannot be muzzled simply because someone else does not share his viewpoint.

                                               - Jeremy Tedesco