
Silent giant of media falls

Fallen giant Mike Mothibi
Fallen giant Mike Mothibi

Though soft spoken and humble by nature, the former editor of the Botswana Guardian newspaper, who passed away this past weekend at his home village of Kanye, was an intense debater and defender of human rights.

A proponent and advocate for media rights, Mothibi served in the MISA-Botswana Board, as vice chairperson between 2004 and 2009. He was part of the board of Trustees that helped the Press Council of Botswana draft and publish the Botswana Media Code of Ethics.

A passionate farmer, Mothibi continued to offer guidance and mentorship to young journalists and activists, even after leaving the newsroom for the corporate world.

MISA-Botswana Board of Trustees and staff, wish to offer condolences to Mothibi’s children, family, colleagues, friends and the nation.

May our colleague and friend’s soul rest in peace.

*THOMAS T. NKHOMA, MISA-Botswana Board Chairperson