
Honda Fit laden with 'stolen meat' intercepted

Honda fit
Honda fit

The vehicle, carrying three Batswana men, aged 46, 22, and 28, hailing from Tshipana ward in Mookane and Matsosa and Maaloso wards in Dibete respectively, is now under police custody for ongoing investigations. According to Dibete Police Station commander, Superintendent Meshack Ranku, the trio's car was apprehended at the barrier gate with suspected stolen slaughtered cow meat on board.

However, they were unable to provide a satisfactory account of its origin. "The trio was heading to the southern part of Botswana from the north," Ranku said. Following their guidance through preliminary investigations, authorities located the site where they had killed and butchered the cow, approximately 15km north of Dibete village.

The cow's owner has identified the animal by its distinctive branded skin. The police are continuing their enquiries into this incident to ascertain the full details and circumstances surrounding the case.