
An unseen magician

The universe gradually took shape as the star shone, emitting gas and dust. From the heat and light, an unseen magician fashioned planets floating amongst the now star-studded universe.

Surely the show was not complete; the curtain couldn’t have fallen on this master stage. For what is a stage without its performers? This could only be the first act, the unseen magician required something more, something to give it meaning and substance. And so the Almighty created life. The tiny creatures journeyed through time, each evolving and adapting to the changing environment and carving out their own niche in the world. And so, full of wonder and mystery the world was born.

And, despite many challenges and hardships in the years to come, it would always be a place of beauty and magic, a testament to the power of creation and the universe’s limitless potential. A strange creature emerged from the primordial ooze as the sun rose over the newly formed planet. It was a man unlike any other the world had ever seen. His hair covered his entire body, and his features were rough and jagged. He stood up on two legs and gazed around in awe at the world into which he had been born.

The scent of new life filled the air, and the ground beneath his feet was soft and warm. The first man set off into the unknown, full of excitement and adventure, eager to explore this strange and wonderful world. And so it all began, this mysterious adventure called life. And while his initial pursuit was surely to satisfy the essential need for sustenance and shelter, but what then? We all need a purpose, something to provide meaning to satisfy and sooth the questions within, a reason to be remembered. And while we all pursue our own paths to satisfy our hearts desires, we are not alone in this journey. We are all connected. Our lives intersect and integrate having a profound impact on each other.

It is in this synergy we need to strive to live our lives with kindness, empathy and compassion. It is in religion that we find a blueprint to connect the dots and have a positive impact. Muslims number approximately 1.9 billion people in the world today. And while we pursue our worldly pursuits in search of happiness and fulfillment, Islam provides a divinely ordained reality check annually. The month of Ramadan allows the slowing and efficient operation of not only our neuronal engine, but clarity of our optical field. We need to remove the filters and imbibe the raw message.

Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, is a time for introspection, prayer, and fasting. It provides Muslims with an opportunity to purify their mind, body, and soul while also connecting with Allah on a deeper level.

Fasting during Ramadan has numerous physical benefits. It aids in detoxifying the body by removing toxins and harmful substances, resulting in improved digestion, immune function, and weight loss. It also aids in the regulation of blood sugar levels, which is especially important for diabetics. Ramadan is a spiritual time of deep introspection and self-reflection. This is a time for Muslims to reflect on their actions and behaviours, as well as seek forgiveness for their sins.

They also devote more time to prayer and the Quran recitation, which strengthens their bond with the Almighty. During Ramadan, Muslims are encouraged to practise patience, compassion, and generosity towards others. It is a time to focus on acts of kindness and charity, which not only benefit the recipient but also bring immense spiritual rewards for the giver.

Ramadan is a brief interlude in the hectic pursuit of life’s journey. It is in the slowing of our out of control heartbeat and the dissipation of our visual fog that life’s purpose manifests brightly. It is in this sphere of clarity that we realise that life is a journey of self-discovery and transformation. While Ramadan resonates with discipline, introspection and empathy, we recognise that these virtues are not the exclusive domain for any one faith, but are relevant to all humanity. Indeed, most religions include fasting as part of their worldly sacrifices. As a result we recognise that we aren’t all that dissimilar.

It is the same heartbeat that resonates within earth’s eight billion inhabitants. I suspect that most of us recognise this and it is why most Muslims and Jews and others not only enjoy, but celebrate in each of our own unique ways, holidays such as Christmas. It is in these moments when the world’s corporate engine slows and indeed stops that we recognise our neighbours bright smiles and the genuine greetings that are bestowed every morning. Only now we can appreciate it rather than worrying about how much traffic is on the Phakalane back road, as we all make our mad dash to deposit our children into their classroom seats on time.

As Ramadan draws to a close, we remember that is not just a month of fasting, but a transformative journey that touches hearts and minds, fostering mutual respect, tolerance, and peace among all religions and people. It is only now left to resolutely carry the spirit of Ramadan, striving to make the world a better place for everyone, regardless of their beliefs, knowing that the lessons learned during this sacred month will continue to benefit one and all. Eid Mubarak.