
Thieves target funeral goers in Mochudi

Mochudi Police kept on their toes
Mochudi Police kept on their toes

Mochudi Police station commander, superintendent Smash Mokoba said thieves are now targeting funerals to rob people of their valuables while they bury their loved ones.

Mokoba said they have recorded a number of cases in the past with thieves targeting mourners’ cars outside the cemetery and while they are busy viewing the corpse early in the morning, they break into their cars and steal.

“Worried by this scourge we recently started providing security to yards with funerals by patrolling their parking area and even at the cemetery because the situation is getting out of control.

We used to record two to three theft incidents every weekend depending on the number of funerals in the area,” he said. Mokoba said their efforts are bearing fruit as this weekend they did not record any case despite funerals held.