
BCP declares political war at Bophirima

Ndaba Gaolatlhe, Dumelang Saleshando and Peter Mogapi (green jacket) during his launch PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE
Ndaba Gaolatlhe, Dumelang Saleshando and Peter Mogapi (green jacket) during his launch PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE

Following the fallout between BCP and Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) over the ward, BCP decided to field its own candidate, Peter Mogapi.

With AP supporting the BCP decision, Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF), on the other hand, decided to rally behind the UDC’s pick.

At Friday night’s rally, the message was loud and clear from most of the speakers that the two parties feel that ‘enough is enough’ with internal fights within the UDC. “A go nne se se nnang” was the common phrase in the mouths of many speakers.

When he took to the podium, BCP leader and vice president of the UDC, Dumelang Saleshando explained the reasons for deciding to contest for Bophirima ward using their party colours. He said there was no agreement by the UDC National Executive Committee (NEC) and that they had not made any agreement regarding the candidature for Bophirima ward.

“Every party that is contesting here, is contesting on its own. There is no UDC candidate. BCP is contesting on its own as well as Botswana National Front (BNF), which calls itself UDC,” Saleshando said.

“For UDC to have a candidate the NEC needs to meet and agree, therefore that meeting was never there. Tsatsi jeno re a mo launcher, campaign ya ntwa ya boammaaruri le go tlhoka boammaaruri. Dikgang tse di ntsi tse di buiwang ke UDC ka rona ga se nnete. Re tla bona gore ke mang yo o tlaa nnang mohenyi.”

Saleshando urged residents of Bophirima ward to vote for their candidate, Mogapi, who “was denied an opportunity” to contest in the 2019 general election.

He said UDC president, Duma Boko wants to lead and make decisions alone in the Umbrella. Speaking at the launch, the BCP’s aspirant candidate, Mogapi said the marriage or relationship between AP and BCP can bear fruit for the nation.

“I am worried about the state of our internal roads in the area and its darkness. If elected, those will be some of the things that I will advocate for at the council,” Mogapi said.

“I want to thank God for Saleshando and my party, which stood by me when I was denied the opportunity to contest in the 2019 general election. I am overwhelmed by the support I get from our party members together with AP members. These two parties can take us somewhere.”

Still, on the matter, AP president, Ndaba Gaolathe said he knows that some Batswana are worried about the current differences that are happening in the UDC or within opposition parties.

“Differences are bound to be there in politics, but at times they do not mean that we are not going to work together. Some things need to be ironed out first and truth needs to prevail at all times. Today I am pleading with voters to take Rre Mogapi to the council. He is an obedient and humble man who can work with anyone regardless of his/her status,” he said.