
African Attire on Fleek shines light on women

African Attire on Fleek shines light on women PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE
African Attire on Fleek shines light on women PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE

Clad in different African attire, the event enabled and empowered women to move forward with renewed confidence in a world where there is continued struggles for gender equality and gender based violence.

As the International Women’s Day shined a light on the achievements of all women across the globe the event also saw many women's wear brands dominating the scene.

As they walked around looking beautiful and full of confidence this was chance for all women to feel celebrated, inspired and unapologetically themselves.

For those who went to the event with their spouses it was also an opportunity to remind their loved ones of how amazing they are with a positive affirmation. Women are different, and the way they choose each outfit shows that they really know how to celebrate their wonderful bodies in all their glorious shapes and sizes. For that day only it was like women had access to a wardrobe that instills confidence.

There were also female fashion designers and dressmakers who attended the event to look good in their own brands and also to see how their work looks on people. Most of the time when they design an outfit for a client fashion designers and dress makers believe that an outfit can make a lot of difference when it comes to self-confidence. Looking at what most of the women there were wearing one could tell that designers had added that finishing touch to a woman’s look, which could potentially be life changing.

They were few men attending the event compared to females and social media was also buzzing with pictures of African attire from leteisi to Xhosa and Sotho attires. With some men believing that the more revealing the clothes a woman wears, the more likely it is that she will be harassed or assaulted, African Attire did stamp out the stigma that what you’re wearing gives someone else the right to your body. It is summer and it was hot on the day so women wore what they want and overall it was beautiful day.