
Moment of recognition

Those blooming vocal cords innately performing the most mesmerising aria. A song requiring no words and yet timeless and elegant. The little hand reaching for the sky, urging my own to intercept it.

As the introduction commences, its little digits close tightly on my finger. Even though astonishing in its urgency and strength, it feels soft and cloud like. To call it the most beautiful feeling ever would lessen its radiance. And as I look down on this angel, the avalanche of emotions that envelop my own body takes me aback.

And as that enchanting smile permeates my entire being, I realise that life has a new purpose. In one fell swoop I have become a protector, a nurturer and a capacitor for infinite love. Genes innate recognition. So it began.

The glistening snow clouded by foggy breathing. I help put on the orange and green boots. My own brown and yellow ready for the daily trek. Two intrepid explorers navigating the frosty dreamland. Our pace instinctively synchronised as we dispatch any danger to arrive at our destination. And as our smiles bid adieu for the primary school day, I see those red cheeks and as always, those large radiant eyes.

The capacity of the human body and psyche to challenge and endure is infinite. And yet there are those whose genetic wiring preclude the defiance of defined norms. The truly adventurous seize every opportunity and challenge themselves to achieve greatness.

The little aircraft taxis down the runway and slowly takes flight. As the wind oscillates the little flying machine, its passengers await the seductive adventure. The pilot expertly manoeuvres the plane into the blue expanse as the instructor reviews last minute instructions. This particular flying machine has no seats so the three jumpers huddle on the floor. The one jumper with those familiar eyes. I have decided to jump last. Logic dictated that by the third jump any adjustments would have been fine-tuned and the terrestrial journey seamless. While flawless in its reasoning, one and I mean myself here, failed to account for human emotion. Skydiving had always been on my bucket list and I looked forward to it. I have always been an adrenaline junkie.

While bravery filled my entire body as the first jumper navigated the blue-sky journey, the butterflies in my stomach started. When the second commenced the butterflies had transformed into could it be? Fear. My turn had come and as I held the strut of the plane’s wing 3km above the earth, my only thought was why do I want to jump out of this perfectly good airplane. But there was no turning back. I battered my fear into submission and commenced my terrestrial journey. The wind unleashed its mighty power and flung me through the air.

The intensity of flying untethered through the air is unimaginable. The well-defined neuronal pathways now logjam. If you had asked me my name in those 10 or 15 seconds hurtling through the air, I would not have been able to tell you. A static line jump dictates that once far enough from the plane the parachute opens up. And as instructed in the course taken earlier in the day, my eyes gaze upwards into the sky not only to pray to God but to ensure my riser has slid into place just above my head. This nylon piece with eyelets is to ensure the ropes of my chute don’t tangle. Once this happens and you realise that you are now safe, then it becomes one of not only the most peaceful, but also one of the most memorable experiences of your life.

And as earth rapidly approaches and your instructor yells, “Flare” which allows you to gently land onto your terrestrial home, so ends an extraordinary chapter in your life.

Studies dictate that about half of adult siblings speak to or see each other once a month. Further studies also indicate that a positive sibling relationship lessens anxiety and depression.

At the end of our school day, our winter journey ends as the Canadian sun blows its final kisses to the stark but lovely winter landscape. The orange and green sit side by side with the yellow and brown.

I gather my parachute and defiantly walk back filled with satisfaction and the conquering of my own demons. The summer landscape is green and filled with steadfast triumph. And as I gaze into those radiant eyes I say, “It is your turn now”. In every exquisite horizon and each and every bold triumph, there has always been two beating hearts present. We have shared it all. Every beauty has always been ours. Every triumph shared with not only our entwined fingers but also our bonded hearts.

I have never been alone. In my library there is a book filled with our shared experiences. And if one should open and glance through, they would find the pages worn and weathered for it is a book I return to always.

Those imprinted memories serve not only to bring joy but also to inspire and motivate. It is my favourite book in the world authored jointly by the two of us. It is in your company that I can freely be myself.

It is in your company that I am the stuttering, slightly autistic but amusing child. It is in your company that I am ready to challenge not only myself but also the world. You are my friend, my partner and my everything. I love you endlessly and it is in your gentle eyes I am who I am. Happy birthday Sadia Chand. My sister.