
Glam Interior A Lot Like Love

Glam Interior A Lot Like Love
Glam Interior A Lot Like Love

Founded in 2012 and started business operations as a registered company in 2018, Glam Interior Design Solutions specialises in corporate, retail, hospitality, and residential designs.

The company offers services such as furniture consulting, procurement, and custom-designing along with space planning, renovations, project management and 3D realistic representations, to name but a few. "The inspiration came from the love I have for design right from my primary school days and the skill I acquired from companies I used to work for," he said.

Phetogo said his first client was Essence Beauty Spa, which he nearly turned down as he doubted himself as a beginner. "By then I didn't have experience, the shop was located in Gaborone at Northgate Mall. At first. I nearly passed up the job as I wasn't sure if I could manage such a big project," he recalled. Phetogo said he is his own biggest competitor since he challenges himself every day to come up with some ideas never done before. His biggest clients at the moment are homeowners since the styles of design and lifestyles have changed today's modern ideas. "The idea is not to repeat the same idea time and again. I challenge myself to be better than what I normally see.

I am different," he said. However, he said the biggest challenge is that locals do not appreciate or understand design and decor, thinking it might be expensive. Touching on his prospects, Phetogo said he wants to grow the brand of the company with its unique style and designs, and be able to operate internationally.