
FAR Properties Records Profit

Vidya Sanooj
Vidya Sanooj

According to the group’s financial results for the year ended June 30, 2021, the group’s portfolio value is P1.35 billion of which 43% is industrial, 49% commercial while nine percent are all backed by long-term leases.

About 78% are retail with national and international brands, 19% is local tenants and medium-sized business, three percent is new start-up companies and small business operations. Vacancies across the portfolio remain below five percent while rent yield remained at a stable level of 10%. The company’s director Vidya Sanooj said they have continued to effectively manage a portfolio that showed resilience despite the impact of COVID-19 in all geographies that the group operates.

“There has been agility in swiftly adapting to changes in consumer behaviour and new ways of thinking and working,” he said. As part of the group’s expansion plans, they announced that there are two new projects in the pipeline to fund growth and stability. “Two additional properties have commenced development in the current year and will provide additional revenue in the current year. Diversification of the portfolio remains a key consideration of the board to ensure a better and stable yield,” he said.

According to Sanooj, the two commercial properties are close to completion on time and within budget adding that tenants for these properties have already been secured.

These properties are expected to add to the group’s revenue for the 2022 year-end. Earlier this year the group revealed that they were constructing the Gumare retail development and Hospital Way Clinic, which will cost them P20 million.

The company has a wide geopolitical spread in Botswana, South Africa and Zambia with the majority of its properties located in urban and semi-urban areas. FAR Properties was formed in June 2020 after the founders realized the need to establish a portfolio of companies that could answer the property requirements of the Choppies group in 2019.