WUC still battling with supply challenges

Gaborone Dam
Gaborone Dam

Even though good rains have been recorded in most parts of the country, the Water Utilities Corporation (WUC) continues to face water provision challenges in certain areas.

According to WUC chief executive officer, Mmetla Masire limited recharge rates over the years have exacerbated the situation, further aggravated by the deficient boreholes operational system.

Masire, who was addressing the press recently added, “over-abstraction of boreholes has resulted in the declining of groundwater levels, leading to the drying up of sources.”

Editor's Comment
A call to action against defilement

The fact that underage girls, some as young as 14, are leaving their homes to stay the night with older men isn't only alarming but also a clear indication of how normalised this harmful practice has become. It is time for all stakeholders—parents, community leaders, law enforcement, and society at large—to stand up and take decisive action to end this scourge.Defilement is a crime, and it is unacceptable that it is being treated as...

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