the monitor

Two die in road mishap along Modipane road

Tlokweng police are investigating an accident in which two people lost their lives in an accident that occurred along the Tlokweng-Modipane Road on Saturday night.
Tlokweng police are investigating an accident in which two people lost their lives in an accident that occurred along the Tlokweng-Modipane Road on Saturday night.

Tlokweng police are investigating an accident in which two people lost their lives in an accident that occurred along the Tlokweng-Modipane Road on Saturday night.

No.3 District Officer Commanding, Assistant Commissioner Theriso Thatayotlhe said the accident involved two VW golf vehicles. He added the matter was reported at around 11:20pm by another motorist who found the two cars engulfed by fire following the accident. “We don't know what caused the accident, but investigations into the matter are ongoing. The two deceased men whose identities we currently don't know were ejected from the vehicle(s) because we found them metres away from the vehicle. “We suspect that one of the drivers might have fled the accident scene following the incident, and we have since launched a probe to confirm,” Thatayotlhe said. He called on members of the public who haven't seen their male relatives since Saturday night to visit Tlokweng Police Station to identify the corpse. Thatayotlhe stated that one of the deceased is currently at a private mortuary in Tlokweng, whilst the other was taken to Princess Marina Referral Hospital.
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A call to action against defilement

The fact that underage girls, some as young as 14, are leaving their homes to stay the night with older men isn't only alarming but also a clear indication of how normalised this harmful practice has become. It is time for all stakeholders—parents, community leaders, law enforcement, and society at large—to stand up and take decisive action to end this scourge.Defilement is a crime, and it is unacceptable that it is being treated as...

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