
Restoring the battered reputation

Magosi and his team duly renewed hope for the somewhat battered reputation of the security agents
Magosi and his team duly renewed hope for the somewhat battered reputation of the security agents

After a security glitch that nearly derided the security agents at the National Stadium during President Duma Boko’s inauguration ceremony almost a fortnight ago, the President’s close protection officers seem to have redeemed their somewhat battered reputation. Writes Mmegi Staffer RYDER GABATHUSE

The nation is still reeling in shock following a chilling incident that saw a speedy young man wielding a paper beating a cluster of security officers and landing at the genesis guard of honour inspected by President Boko to the chagrin of the nation fretted by the protection of Botswana’s sixth President. Worse, regional and international guests were probably disenchanted by a man who in broad daylight exposed the ineptness of Botswana’s combined security agents as they were caught literally napping. Although allegations are that the young man was to fortuitously lodge a complaint to the President, the nation still has no clues of his intentions, whether good or bad.

Not so long ago, during the US presidential elections, US President Donald Trump, whilst a presumptive nominee of the Republican Party, survived an assassination attempt while speaking at an open-air campaign rally near Butler, Pennsylvania. He was shot and wounded in his upper right ear by a man identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks. This on its own dictates that the security officers at all times should be on red alert and leave nothing to chance and thwart all possible threats to the VVIPs such as the head of State and government.

Editor's Comment
Refrain from risky behaviours

After long spells of dryness and high temperatures, it is important to celebrate the torrential rains with caution and reasonableness especially when all indications suggest that the rains are not going to stop anytime soon, especially in the northern parts of the country.We want to encourage both the young and the old to refrain from any risky behaviour during this rainy season.Batswana need to be on red alert and not take chances during the...

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