More rains forecast, record flooding possible

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The Meteorological Services Department says the second half of the rain season will be characterised by heavy rains countrywide, with a risk of flooding on the scale of the disasters that occurred in the year 2000.

The floods of 1999/2000 covered vast areas of the country and are still regarded as the worst in Botswana’s history. However, the bittersweet forecast follows the record dry spell suffered in the 2015/2016 season, which left nearly one million Batswana in need of assistance, according to SADC figures. Presenting the rainfall prospects for the January to March 2017 period, Met Services director, Thabang Botshoma said the season would feature above normal rainfall.

“The eastern parts of the country, which are Southern-Central and North East districts are expected to receive above normal rainfall into the extremely wet range,” he said. Gantsi, Ngamiland, Chobe, Kgalagadi, Southern, South East, Kgatleng, Kweneng and the Northern parts of the Central District are expected to be normal to above normal or very wet.

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A call to action against defilement

The fact that underage girls, some as young as 14, are leaving their homes to stay the night with older men isn't only alarming but also a clear indication of how normalised this harmful practice has become. It is time for all stakeholders—parents, community leaders, law enforcement, and society at large—to stand up and take decisive action to end this scourge.Defilement is a crime, and it is unacceptable that it is being treated as...

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