
Kgafela celebrates BDP loss, announces early return

Morafhe listening their Kgosikgolo through virtually PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO
Morafhe listening their Kgosikgolo through virtually PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO

Bakgatla Ba Kgafela Kgosikgolo Kgafela Kgafela II has fast-tracked his return to Botswana, all thanks to the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) which unseated the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) recently.

Yesterday morning, Kgafela virtually addressed Bakgatla who gathered in large numbers at the Mochudi Kgotla where he also announced that his son, Matshego Kgafela, will be his regent in South Africa’s North West province.

Kgafela wasted no time expressing his happiness at the change of government in Botswana.

“Let me start by expressing that my heart is overflowing with great joy. From the deepest of my heart, I would like to extend gratitude to you Bakgatla, and Batswana at large for removing the BDP from power through the recently held polls. “I am happy because you made our job easier as Dikgosi who are cautious of where Botswana comes from and where it is going and wish to see things go back to the way they were in 1966,” he said.

Kgafela said he was grateful that after suffering for so long, they now have hope to fix some things. He reiterated that Batswana did well by removing the BDP, something he says he thought would only happen after the 2029 General Election.

“Now that the BDP was removed on October 30, 2024, it is a great thing. I have never enjoyed a weekend like I enjoyed the one that followed the polls ever since I was appointed Kgosi. What you did made us proud as Batswana. “We are now being respected in South Africa and the world over and for that, I thank Bakgatla, Batswana. I also thank UDC and BCP leaders as well as their followers,” he said.

Kgafela said he was happy that he would now be able to visit Botswana before the date he announced in May this year. At the time, he had said he would return in 2030. Kgafela said he would visit Botswana as he is a citizen of both countries and would come in and out as he wishes.

“In the past, it was impossible for me to come home due to my troubles with the BDP as Batswana are aware. The intention is to return on May 21 2025 and go to the Kgotla before visiting the graves of my parents and then going to my house which I left on the May 21, 2012. “The 21st has been set by the ancestors and I cannot come on any other day than May 21st. Because I left the country with people baying for my blood on May 21, 2012. It has been 12 years since I left,” he said.

Kgafela however said there was a condition for his return; that the new government has to make a certain law to ensure that he arrives without being bothered by anyone.

“The law must state that as the new government, they respect Kgafela as Bakgatla Kgosikgolo and not Kgosi. That law must be made between January and April 2025 and I will definitely arrive,” he said.

He further said he had written to the new government congratulating them on their victory and he pleaded with them to make the law to allow for his return. He was however confident that there would be nothing that would stop him. He said if there are any challenges, he would postpone the return by a year as long as the day would be May 21 of the year.

Kgafela said the beauty of what Batswana did is that a new constitution for Botswana could be crafted as that was impossible under the BDP government. He said he is hopeful that Duma Boko as a human rights lawyer would lead in the right direction to craft a constitution that would answer Bakgatla land issues.

“We as Bakgatla will not back off in demanding our land back which was unlawfully taken from us by Sir Seretse Khama and the BDP Government in 1966. We will fight for our land until the land is returned to us through a new constitution. Unlike what we said that we want to have a solitary state as Bakgatla, we will not need to do that and we will be given what is ours after negotiating with the government. We will fix the mistake made in 1966. You know I was chased out of the country for speaking up against the injustice. It is now time for things to go back to the way they were,” he said.

Kgafela also lambasted the BDP for messing up the country’s economy. He said the new government has a lot of work to do in rebuilding the country. He also said he has since written to the new government committing to assist them as Bakgatla. He said Bakgatla ba Kgafela in South Africa and Botswana are rich and are willing to share their wealth with Batswana.

“We are at the advanced stages of starting Masama business. There is a big investor, but there are many other opportunities for many others who can help create jobs. We also have a lot of minerals here in South Africa which are in demand the world over. We are very rich and you should not worry that our economy is collapsing because Daddy is here to help. We just need the government to draw the laws and I will be there,” he said.

Turning to Bakgatla in South Africa, Kgafela announced that following the expulsion of Kgosi Ramono Pilane as his regent there, his son Matshego Kgafela is now the new Kgosi.

“We are tired of the royal uncles now. Even Bakgatla are tired because of Tidimane, Nyalala and now Ramono. It is now time to do away with appointing uncles. And I now present my son to rule you at the age of 23. He has completed his studies at the University of Cape Town and is now an engineer. He is very smart and capable of getting 100% on a math test,’ he said.

Kgafela said his son demonstrated that he was capable of leading when he outperformed his peers in matriculation. He said his son was a smart, humble gentleman who he believes will rule Bakgatla well. He said he has since written to the North West Premier calling on him to tear apart Ramono’s recognition certificate and issue a new one for Matshego and also publish Matshego’s traditional council.

Editor's Comment
UDC's 100 Days: Please deliver your promises!

We duly congratulate them to have ousted the long ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) from power. Prior to taking power from the BDP, the coalition had made several election promises that are credited for influencing change and swaying the people to vote in its favour.The party had made an undertaking, which its leader and President Duma Boko consistently bellowed in his campaign trail. These undertakings were promises that Batswana would be...

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