War erupts over Mthimkhulu’s former law office
A legal battle has ensued between Lone Langa Masire T/A Masire Legal Consultants who have whisked their landlord Kgadimo Kelebale to court to bar her from accessing her property.
A legal battle has ensued between Lone Langa Masire T/A Masire Legal Consultants who have whisked their landlord Kgadimo Kelebale to court to bar her from accessing her property.
The ruling Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) is beginning to make its presence felt albeit gradually within politically appointed boards.
A 16-year-old girl who was walking home from a local shebeen with her peers was attacked and raped on Sunday early morning in Khwee village.
Justice Mercy Garekwe of the Court of Appeal (CoA) says Carter Morupisi's allegations against judges presiding over his sentencing when sent to jail didn't only sting but also insinuate the President interfered with the judicial process.
The Gaborone-Molepolole road which was closed at Metsimotlhabe/ Kopong intersection due to overflowing Metsimotlhabe River is now open to the public under minimal supervision, police have confirmed.
Convicted serial murderer, Simba Mampori, has pleaded with the Court of Appeal (CoA) to overturn his capital punishment saying he committed the offence after he was provoked by the deceased.
Minister of Trade and Entrepreneurship, Tiroeaone Ntsima has confirmed the immediate suspension of Thabo Thamane, the CEO of Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency (CEDA).
Kgosi Sakie Gabanamotse of Hatsalatladi has expressed deep concern over the high unemployment rate at his village, a situation he believes is driving some of the youth toward negative behaviour.
Refrain from risky behaviours
After long spells of dryness and high temperatures, it is important to celebrate the torrential rains with caution and reasonableness especially when all indications suggest that the rains are not going to stop anytime soon, especially in the northern parts of the country.We want to encourage both the young and the old to refrain from any risky behaviour during this rainy season.Batswana need to be on red alert and not take chances during the...